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Please see below a range of questions and topics that have been discussed at the community consultation sessions held both in town at Port Vincent and at the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia in North Haven.

Car Parking

What about car parks? With all of this additional development, will there be enough car parks? 


Traffic management consultant CIRQA directed by Ben Wilson, has been engaged to review the traffic management and car parking within the marina precinct. 


We are recommending reconfiguring the current boat ramp trailer parking to meet recommended standards. This will also create space for additional car parks adjacent to the new commercial facilities.


We have been engaging with council to look at additional parking, including kerbside and parallel parking along Breakwater Drive & additional parking on Marina Drive opposite the commercial site.   


The local community have also suggested filling in the small beach area (Buttons beach) adjacent to Breakwater Drive to create additional boat trailer parking. This is being investigated along with the opportunity to relocate the beach further out which should also assist with silt problems with the current location. The additional created area will provide event and flexible parking.


How many car parks are required? 


For the apartments 35 carparks are required. The commercial areas will require 100+ parks. In total approx 140 car parks are required. 


Can you have underground parking? 


There won't be any underground car parking due to the prohibitive cost. 


Boat Ramp

Can an additional pontoon be added to the boat ramp?


The boat ramp is managed by the Yorke Peninsula Council and is separate from the proposed development. The developer has flagged this issue raised in earlier consultation with the council who have advised they will address this with the South Australian Boating Facility Advisory Council.


What about boat ramp car parking?


Several people have raised their concerns that the current boat ramp car park isn’t adequate at peak times. As part of our traffic management studies we have identified the opportunity to reconfigure the existing boat ramp car park to meet recommended standards, this will help create additional car parks. 


Community have also suggested filling in the small beach area adjacent to Breakwater Drive to create additional boat trailer parking. 


The developer is also liaising with the Yorke Peninsula Council to help address these issues and has prepared initial concept plans to support the dialogue.

Sewer, Waste and Water

Will the Floating Homes & Floating Café be connected to the sewer system?

The intention is to connect the floating homes on E-Row to the sewer. Consultants WGA have been engaged to look at potential impact on the existing sewer system. 

How will the sewer system cope with this development?

The initial report tabled by WGA indicates that some straight forward adjustments are recommended. The adjustments will be discussed with the Yorke Peninsula Council as part of pre-lodgement discussions.


How will the commercial site and apartment waste be managed?

The consultants CIRQA have prepared a waste management plan including any impacts and special requirements. The recommendations of CIRQA have been incorporated into the building plans and are located in enclosed ventilated rooms out of sight.


Will water pressure be impacted with increased usage?

Fluctuating water supply pressure in the Marina has been raised as an issue in the consultation. It will be essential that we address this concern as the water pressure will have to be consistent in the proposed complex and not adversely affect other residents in the Marina.

Will this development impact the Port Vincent township waste management system?

The initial study indicates that the development will have little effect on the current town sewer system. The WGA study has identified the areas requiring adjustment which will be discussed with the Yorke Peninsula Council to determine appropriate implementation.

The current wastewater holding tanks are at capacity during peak times - how will the additional wastewater be managed?

The WGA study has identified improvements to be made to the rising main which will increase the pump’s capacity and reduce the load on the holding tanks. 

Is there an opportunity for other homes adjacent to the marina to be on the sewer system?


The adjustments recommended by WGA would suggest that additional homes connected to the system may be an option and we are open to tabling the idea within the ongoing discussions to be held.

Licenced Premises, Food and Beverage

Will there be a licenced area?


Yes, there will be a licenced café/restaurant on the ground level.

Boat Marina

Can the marina mouth be dredged as there is limited access for some boats at low tide?


This issue is important to the Lillis group, particularly as the Group is keen to accommodate the mooring of larger vessels on the eastern side of E-Row. The Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia (CYCSA) is also keen to have dredging undertaken and has tabled correspondence with Council to encourage dredging of the channel.


Will there be a fuel outlet for boats? 


There has been a long standing indicated requirement for a fuel outlet within the marina. At this time there is no known immediate plans to establish a fuel outlet, however, the developer is supportive for the establishment of one.


What role does the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia (CYCSA) have with the marina development?

The CYCSA manage the marina berths Rows A - D. The CYCSA is very interested on behalf of its members in the activation of the marina. In discussions, the General Manager has expressed interest in exploring additional sailing and boating events at Port Vincent.

Commercial Site

Will the apartments be permanent or holiday accommodation?

The apartments will have a range of short, medium, and long-term accommodation arrangements.

Is there an opportunity to buy an apartment?

Yes. Apartments are available for individual purchase. If you are are interested in securing an apartment, you can register your interest

Will there be onsite management?

Yes, the facility will have onsite management.

How will you ensure the property is maintained and kept clean?           

We intend to have permanent maintenance and cleaning arrangements for the complex.

What commercial enterprises do you envisage?

The anchor facility for the commercial area will be food and beverage with a number of flexible areas to accommodate other businesses that are currently absent from Port Vincent. We also envisage a gymnasium and complimentary health and well-being facilities. 

Will there be a lift?

Yes, there will be a lift.

Floating Homes and Cafè

Will there be car parks for the floating homes and café?

Yes, car parking will be on Breakwater Drive.

Where will the floating homes be built?

The floating homes will be built in Australia, and possibly in Western Australia where there is a strong manufacturing cohort of coastal barges and ocean going vessels.

What about the wind factor with the floating homes?

We are engaging with Naval Architects to ensure the wind factor is considered in the final designs.


How many townhouses will there be?

There will be 2 lots 3 townhouses on Lot 3 and Lot 30 Marina Drive.

Will the townhouses be short or long term accommodation?

The town houses may be for short, medium, and long term accommodation or owner occupied.

Will the townhouses be individually owned?

Possibly, yes.

How will 3 townhouses share 1 pontoon?

The townhouses will be community titled and the pontoon arrangements between owners will be covered in the community management by-laws. The Lillis Group have a number of marina berths available, and it is anticipated that townhouse owners may also purchase a marina berth with the townhouse.

Pied Cormorants (SHAGS)

Is there a plan to manage the shags?

It is hoped that more activity and people within the marina and the E-Row floating homes and cafe, will help deter the shags. The Lillis Group have been successful in deterring birds from landing on building roofs at other locations and similar technologies will be employed on the floating homes. We are also working with other parties to look at a long term management solution of the birds.

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